(206)-292-0700 office@mednorthwest.com
The End of Fasting Labs

The End of Fasting Labs

For the past ten years, patients in the practice ... have had to starve themselves for eight to twelve hours prior to coming in to the office for annual labs. But does this make any sense? As patients know, I urge plenty of skepticism when it comes to recommendations...



Wow, this is an embarrassing article to ... write. Oh, I don’t mean that writing an article on the human vagina is embarrassing. After all, as a physician, I deal with this organ and its associated diseases on a regular basis. No, the article is embarrassing to write...

When Shyness Needs Treatment

When Shyness Needs Treatment

If you were to describe yourself as ... “painfully shy,” probably the last job you’d want is going on national TV every night, telling jokes and interviewing people you don’t know.  But such is the case for David Letterman. Other famous people, brilliant on stage but...



We’ve all seen the horror movie where ... we think the bad guy has been killed off, but he is really hiding in the basement ready to attack the girls at the sorority as soon as the cops wrap things up and head home. This is just how shingles works. Shingles is a skin...